In 2019, my daughter was 11 years old. My wife and I were attending a night concert at the school when I felt the need to relieve myself. I went looking for a little boys room and came across this display which wrapped a portion of the schools circular shaped library. This is a middle school in Canton Michigan. My mind raced with anger.
- Why is this crap in my daughters school?
- Who thought that this was a good idea?
- There is no way that this is an approved kids club. (My thinking was that there are simply no 11 year old's that are this obsessed with their sexuality)
I contacted the school the next day and this is how the conversation went:
ME: Take that stuff down. This is NOT why I send my daughter to school.
VP: We can't
ME: Wuddo you mean you can't?
VP: It's not up to me.
ME: Then who?
VP: The board. They allow the kids to form clubs.
ME: Bullshit. This is not a kids club. This is some crap that one of your twisted staff members wants to push onto my kid.
VP: Sir, I have no control over this.
ME: OK, my daughter is now obsessed with pen!s and wants to start a club for its inclusion.
VP: Sir, we can't allow that.
ME: SO, you DO have some say but you lack the balls.
Sympathetic to this vice principal's situation, I decided to take my concern to the school board.
- Citizens of Michigan and businesses pay taxes that go to the federal government.
- A certain amount of those taxes go to the federal school fund.
- When Michigan gets its money BACK, it comes with conditions and this gender agenda is just one of those conditions.
- Do not send our school dollars to the federal government.
- Disburse our money to the communities within the state.
- Allow each community to decide what, if anything, other than rw&a, they want to allow. The concept is not new, it's called "COMMUNITY SCHOOLS".
- Public schools in your community should be governed by the community and the standards within the community (within reason).
BUT, this is just a sample of the crap that they are FORCING onto our children in the public schools. It's time to take the schools back,.